Events & Initiatives
Coordination Efforts
Leadership from the DOM’s CfPWB, DEI, and QI have begun twice yearly strategy meetings with the full leadership teams from each division. The goal of these meetings is for each division to have an identifiable, actionable plan to improve in an area of clinical efficiency, administrative burden, quality and safety, patient experience, or team dynamics. In these meetings, the group reviews available data to identify what is going well, what areas of improvement might be, and potential pilots or projects the group can commit to focused on one of more of these areas.
Inbasket Optimization Efforts
The CfPWB leadership team is partnering with 6 practices and 3 divisions to implement the Inbasket Optimization Toolkit recently released by Mass General Brigham. Examples include helping with triage algorithms, setting up practice pools, identifying efficiency opportunities, and helping with change communication.
Facilitated Listening Sessions
Since the beginning of June 2020, the Center for Professional Well-Being has hosted 20 virtual Listening Sessions with a plethora of different groups throughout the Department of Medicine. The sessions were facilitated by our certified Faculty Coaches and were used to discuss topics ranging from the future of the DOM, to anti-racism initiatives, to clinician well-being. Attendance ranged anywhere from 15 to 70+ people at each session breaking out into small groups of 7 to 10 people with each group headed by a Faculty Coach. Numerous people have found these sessions productive, calming, and enlightening.
Women in Oncology
The Women in Oncology group is committed to supporting, sponsoring and connecting women physicians across Mass General Cancer Center.
The group’s mission is to develop a sense of community where women across the Mass General Cancer Center (in both clinical and research arenas) and satellite network can find a sense of belonging, purpose, shared values, and truly support each other over the course of a career.
The group includes medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, researchers, fellows, and medicine subspecialists that care for patients from across Mass General and our network sites. Many events are open invite to RNs, NPs, and administrators across the Cancer Center.
DOM-Physician Parents of Little Kids
aka "DOM-PLK" Initiative
One of the major challenges of an academic career with little kids is that many opportunities to network take place during dinner/bedtime. The goal of DOM PLK is to create events that allow physicians to be together with colleagues, encourage friendships, and grow as a professional community while spending time with our families. We plan to have a structured event every 1 – 2 months for a total of 8 events per year. Please let us know if you would like to be added on to the DOM PLK listserv.
Antiracism Resources
The Diversity & Inclusion Board and the Center for Professional Well-Being has compiled the following resources to help you maintain your emotional health, educate yourself and your families, find the language to support others, advocate on social media, and donate and direct spending toward organizations and businesses supporting people of color. We also want to create space for people to come together to process, reflect, share and connect.
Nataly Kogan’s
Emotional Strength Series
The CfPWB has partnered with Nataly Kogan from Happier, who is a leading global expert in optimizing your emotional fitness and elevating your leadership, to offer a 3-month series and share science-backed skills and practices to help you better manage stress, increase resilience, and be at your best, even during challenge and uncertainty.
The Happier Team built an MGH-only page with recordings from these sessions, as well as helpful tools and resources to help you strengthen your skills, build on what’s working, and try new skills and practices.
Power of Connectivity
Initiative 2023
In 2023 each month had a connectivity theme, and those who participated in that theme and shared a photo of their participation received a prize for connecting with others. At the end of each month we would feature those who participated in the Connectivity Community Wall section of our weekly newsletter.