Research & Ongoing Studies
Dr. Palamara and the MGH Physician Coaching Program are involved in several research collaborations.
Here are some highlights:
RCT; role of coaching in reducing burnout, improving resiliency, and reducing cognitive bias and medical errors in GME trainees
Association of Women Surgeons
RCT; role of virtual coaching in a professional society to reduce burnout and improve professional fulfillment in women surgical residents and their faculty coaches
American Pediatric Surgery Association
RCT; role of virtual coaching in a professional society to reduce burnout and improve professional fulfillment in pediatric surgical trainees and their faculty coaches; additional study arm of coaching junior faculty
Rush Wellness GME Coaching Program
RCT; role of coaching to improve resiliency and burnout in GME trainees
Memorial Hospital GME Coaching Program
RCT; role of coaching improve experience of training, well-being, and burnout in GME trainees
MGPO Physician Coaching Pilot
RCT; role of coaching to improve engagement, professional fulfillment, quality of life, and well-being
CfPWB Previous Publications