Spiritual Well-Being

MGH Christian “Devos for Docs”​

Wednesdays 5:00-6:00P | Bazari conference room, DOM Suite, Gray-Bigelow 7

Join for weekly devotional sessions involving Fellowship, Scripture, & Prayer. Please email Alex Cist Acist@mgh.harvard.edu with questions.

Mass General Christian Fellowship for Staff

Weekly Bible study on Tuesdays 12-1pm. Each week we read, reflect and discuss passages in the Bible. Please email Jerin Raj at jraj@mgh.harvard.edu for additional questions and the zoom link.

Access to Kosher Meals

The MGH Spiritual Care Department received the following link for staff seeking a Kosher meal for the holidays. Please complete the online form and contact Ana Sazonov at 470-318-8761 for any questions.

Daily TV Mass

Through the use modern media, the NCBC provides access to the Daily TV Mass and the National Catholic Mission, as a way for our community to stay near to the Church and our Catholic Faith.